

People breakdance for a lot reasons. People dance to compete, keep their minds off their priorities, or just dance just because that person likes to dance. Nowadays people compete and battle each other to see who is the better b-boy. A lot of times people host breakdance events and gather dancers from all over the world to compete in their event. Who ever wins the event is considered the top b-boy in that jam.

People battle with a purpose of their own. That purpose could be for money reasons, showing off their skills, or just becoming the best b-boy there can be in this world. Whatever the reason may be, when a dancer is on the floor showing off their hard work and just expressing everything that they have learned through the harsh practices and obstacles, at that point the growth of knowing that the b-boy can be better is astounding. When it comes to b-boy battles the competition is out of this world. The amount of different styles and execution on moves in these battles are breath taking, and usually when other dancers witness these moves it makes them want to battle those dancers performing those great moves.

The mindset of the b-boy, who is about to battle another b-boy in a jam is for one reason. The reason is the mindset of wanting to show up the other b-boy. During a battle the thought of winning creeps at the back of the dancer's mind, but it's all about "who showing up who" and what I mean by this is between the two competitors is who has the better moves in the battle. While dancers battle it out to show each other up, there are three judges that spectate to see which competitor took what round in the battle and at the end of the final round the judges will decide which dancer took the battle. In a jam depending on how they set up the rounds in each battle, and how long the b-boy decides to dance, a battle altogether would take at least five minutes, which depends on how each competitor decides to dance.   

Breakdancing has evolved and is continuing to evolve for b-boys all around the world. For breakdancing to have battles and not only have your typical one versus one, but now two versus two, or even three versus three, etc. the battles will only get more electrifying from here on out. Especially story lines when it comes to rival b-boys and finally bring it to the floor to show who is superior between the two b-boys, but that's for another topic. Lastly at the end of the day, these events and battles should be friendly competition and just be for fun.


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