Austin's Blog

1.) My previous computer experience was when I was a senior in high school working on a project in class in photoshop.

2.) What I hope to get out from this class is the fundamental knowledge and a recap from what I learned last year to this year and hopefully learn more while taking this class.

3.) The relationship between computers and visual studies are when they use the similar programs to create projects.

4.) My experience between illustrator and photoshop was that I worked projects where I would have an idea on what worked best for the project I had to work on. Plus the teacher telling us which would best fit for the project.

5.) I do not have a computer at home.

6.) I use both

7.) I am not a visual studies major but I am trying to go for a graphics design major.

8.) What I hope to do with my major is to help companies out that need good graphic designers do there job.

9.) In graphics design I don't have a favorite artists.

10.) My favorite musician is logic, good rapper.

11.) Something interesting is that I break dance, play soccer, and play volleyball.

12.) When I was in 5th grade, I was wondering how close I was to graduating middle school in 3 years.
When I graduated and hit high school, I was was like "YOOOOO, high school is wild."
During Junior year I couldn't wait to be a Senior and get out.
I hit Senior year and was like "YOOOOOO I'm about to graduate high school."
I graduated and I'm now in College.



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