Business Plan

Dear Designer, 

Welcome, what an honor to have you onboard for our "CWD" (Cookie World Designs) company.
We are a company that looks for unique designs that appeal the human eye.
Materials from our company are provided to help you create designs to grow Cookie World.
Idea list is down below about new project we have in store for you.

Company name: CWD
Slogan: Just eat it
The Business card and letterhead must include the following:

  • Company name: CWD
  • Logo
  • Slogan
  • Phone #: (123)321-1234
  • E-mail:

The color scheme for the background should be a Blue-White type background.

We are excited to see what you can create for our company. 

Big Boss


  1. Hi Austin, it's me, Thu. I lost my phone so I lost your phone # also. I want to ask you about the book. If you see this, text me. Thanks!


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