

Practice is a great way of getting better in a person's craft of any sort of genre people do if it's breakdancing or anything outside of dancing. If someone really wants to improve and get better at breakdancing, practice is a way to do it. Every cool move did not come to any dancer naturally, people had to work hard in performing that specific move that the person was trying to do. Every famous/professional b-boy didn't make it to the top without having done practice in their lives. It's not only practicing to get a certain dace set down, but is also how a person practices and how that person uses their time to do the repetition to feel ultimately comfortable when dancing.

For free-style there is practice to be done. Free-style is performing what ever comes to the person and is able to perform through improve. There are just so many ways to practice and get better and is amazing how when a person does not perform a certain move right, just with practice that can help improve on whatever a person would want to improve on.


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