
Having a foundation in anything a person does is really important to have. In breakdancing foundation is important because it targets the dancer's basic moves when dancing. Foundation is basically the starting point to whatever someone is doing. An example of this topic is top-rock, 6-step, windmill and anything that relates to the basic concept of breakdancing. In order for someone to perform well and evolve as a b-boy is to learn these basic movements and once they get the hang of those moves, they can start developing moves of their own and combine it with the basic movements they have learned from the very beginning.

Foundation is important to have because for example; trying to have a person dance who has no experience in breaking and actually attempt to dance but at the end those moves that the dancer attempted to do did not look appealing since the person has no foundation is like trying to recreate a recipe of any kind but does not have the cook book to guide the person through to make the dish. Altogether if a person does not work on their foundation, the whole dance or battle is not going to work in their favor.


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