
Breakdancing has been around for quite some time. It started in the year 1970 and it originated in the Bronx, New York. At that time, breakdancing was used by gang members for the purpose of gaining territory in the Bronx without using their fists or any kind of violence. Breakdancing at the time consisted of dancing on the streets by using cardboard to dance on and having a boombox to actually dance too with and a DJ to check the flow of the music. Breakdancing back then to now has evolved in many ways from having just people from the Bronx breakdancing to now people all over the world breakdance as well. Hip-hop is a part of breakdancing and is one of the fours elements of hip-hop. The four elments of hip-hop are DJing MCing, breakdancing, and graffiti. How the four elements of hip-hop have any connection with bboying is that they are all needed for this art form of dancing to exist. Djing is one of the most important out of the four because Djing works towards beat drops and remixes for the dancer to dance to. MCing is for a person to sing lyrics with the unique beats for the DJ and talk about topics that were going on in todays society. Breakdancing is way of expressing oneself through dancing with the beat and letting loose a persons emotions on the dancefloor. Lastly graffiti, which is to express oneself through creating designs of whatever or however they express their self.
Image result for breakdance the bronx


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