Power Moves

Power Moves  

Power moves are what bring a person's dance flourish on the dance floor. Depending on how power moves play in a person's dance set, they can play a huge role for the dancer to use. Defining what a power move is are basically moves that rely on speed, momentum, and the ability to have a resilient body when using power moves in breakdancing. Examples of power moves are Windmill, Flare, Air flare, etc.. It is important for a bboy to have a power move in their arsenal because at times a bboy battle will have a specific bboy show someone up on the dance floor, and while that dancer finish their set, it is the other bboy' s turn to answer back with a power move of their own. A bboy usually wouldn't answer back with just using style with no power move and if that were to happen then that bboy set would have a weak come back for answering back to the bboy with the power move. Using just style have their moments where a person just using style can beat someone's set with a power move in it. Altogether power moves are a set of moves that can bring out the best in a person's set to the next level.


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